**This refresher course is only available to those that have completed 'The RAID® Course for working with Disturbed and Challenging Behaviour' and are wanting to refresh their knowledge and renew their APT Accreditation.**
The RAID® course is a leading approach for tackling disturbed and challenging behaviour at source: over 20,000 professionals have completed it. It is a comprehensive system which teaches professionals a philosophy and practice not only to deal with disturbed and challenging behaviour when it occurs, but also to prevent it by nurturing positive behaviour targetted to displace the disturbed and challenging behaviour. Staff feel pleased to share a unified system and to know what they are doing and why they are doing it, while clients delight in a relentlessly positive and empowering approach.
For further information on the format of APT online training click here.
The RAID® Course aims:
A clear, positive, philosophy and technique for working effectively with disturbed and challenging behaviours.
- Provides interventions with a clear sense of purpose, and benefits to everybody.
- Shows how reinforcing key aspects of a client's behaviour can eliminate disturbed and challenging behaviours.
- Demonstrates how to reinforce behaviour effectively.
- How to make social reinforcement work. How to design formalised yet 'friendly' reinforcement systems. Avoiding reinforcement 'traps'.
- Knowing the 4 key types of appropriate behaviours, and how to spot them.
- Why we are best to play down disruptive behaviour.
- Why punishment usually doesn't work.
- What to do when disruptive behaviour cannot be ignored. For example, when it is damaging or life-threatening to other clients or staff, crucial non-physical interventions.
- How to avoid people 'pushing against us' when we are trying to influence them and how to guide their behaviour for the better - for their benefit and for the benefit of those around them.
- How good rules or 'boundaries' for behaviour are productive and energising while bad ones are a short-cut to endless trouble. What makes the difference between good and bad.
- What to do when clients exhibit so many challenging behaviours that it is difficult to know where to start.
- What to do when it seems that some sort of punishment is unavoidable.
- How to create and establish a proper RAID Care Plan that you and your colleagues can use.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate APT Accreditation, Level 2 (18 hours CPD)
Learning credits
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